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Unveiling the Vital Role of Patient Demographics: A Perspective by HCP Credentialing

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As a healthcare provider, you are well aware of the challenges involved in obtaining timely payments for outstanding patient bills. If you seek to enhance your billing and collection process, it is crucial not to underestimate the significance of patient demographics.

Patient demographics refer to the initial set of information gathered from patients, encompassing various details such as their date of birth and insurance coverage. From a billing perspective, this information determines where to send the claim, where to mail the final bill, and whom to contact in case of payment issues. Any misstep in this process can occur if accurate information is not obtained while the patient is present in your office.

Whether you manage medical billing internally or have entrusted a reputable medical billing company like Applied Medical Systems, improving your chances of receiving timely payments can often be attributed to a simple yet frequently overlooked element: patient demographics.

The Importance of Demographics

Keeping patient demographics up to date is equally important for existing patients as it is for new ones. If an existing patient has moved or changed their contact number, attempts to send them bills or follow up via phone calls will prove futile. Moreover, if their insurance coverage has changed, claims filed with the previous provider may be denied, resulting in delayed payments.

Requesting patients to update their demographic information is vital. However, a simple inquiry such as “Is all your information the same?” may not suffice. Patients might not be aware that you have their outdated address on record and may not realize the need for updating their information. Establishing a standardized process for collecting demographics, implemented by everyone in your office, is crucial. Investing an extra minute with each patient can save you time and prevent costly claim denials in the future.

Gathering Information for Updating Patient Demographics

Listed below are the essential pieces of information that should be collected at each appointment to ensure the accuracy and currency of patient demographics. Although these may seem obvious, they are often overlooked or collected incorrectly.

“Do you still reside at 123 Main Street?”
“Could you please confirm your current address?”

Phone Number
“Kindly confirm your home and work phone numbers for me.”
“Is there a cell phone number you would like us to include?”

“Are you still employed by The State of North Carolina?”
“Mrs. Jones, who is your current employer?”

Insurance Information
“Is your primary insurance coverage still provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield?”
“Would you like to add any secondary insurance coverage?”
“I noticed you have changed jobs. Do you need to update your insurance information on file?”

Workers Compensation
“Is today’s visit related to a work-related injury or accident?”

Educating and reviewing the information above with your staff will greatly contribute to maintaining fresh and accurate patient data.

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